Things to do in Zanesville Ohio! Lind Arena Skate Center is FUN! Also Birthdays & New Years Eve

About Us

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Public skating times
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Rent the rink
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Birthday Parties, FUN
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We'd like to hear from you

From the very young ......

  The Lind Arena Skate Center has been a part of the Zanesville community for decades and strives to maintain a fun, safe and friendly entertainment option for young people, families and organizations.  We have made many updates over the years but we try to preserve that nostalgic feel that echoes back to the skating rink "hey day".   We invite you to join us during any of our public skating sessions.  Check out our affordable private rental rates, birthday party packages and fund raising opportunities.  We hope to see you soon out on the floor. 

  All of our public sessions are open to all ages.  The policy of 'skate at your own risk' applies.  No in and out privileges are permitted without paying admission to reenter. the very 'young at heart'.
'Ruth Kirch'

Our business was founded in 1948 by Mr. Andy Foster and has been passed on through multiple owners and operators.  We are skating into the 21st century for decades to come.

Our Goals
  • To provide fun, family friendly entertainment.
  • To provide the best customer service possible.
  • To  provide a safe entertainment alternative for young people in the community.

Lind Arena Skate Center, 900 Linden Ave, Zanesville, Oh 740.454.1320